Holy Family

Holy Name of Jesus


Sunday within the octave of Christmas

Christmas Day Mass

Christmas Midnight Mass

4th Sunday of Advent

3rd Sunday of Advent

Immaculate Conception

1st Sunday of Advent

27th and Last Sunday after Pentecost

26th Sunday after Pentecost

25th Sunday after Pentecost

24th Sunday after Pentecost

All Souls Day

All Saints Day

Christ the King

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

21st Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Rosary

Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel

Seven Sorrows of the BVM

Nativity of the BVM

First Saturday of September

15th Sunday after Pentecost

14th Sunday after Pentecost

13th Sunday after Pentecost

Assumption of the BVM

12th Sunday after Pentecost

11th Sunday after Pentecost

10th Sunday after Pentecost

9th Sunday after Pentecost

8th Sunday after Pentecost

7th Sunday after Pentecost

6th Sunday after Pentecost

5th Sunday after Pentecost

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart

Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi

Trinity Sunday


Sunday within the octave of the Ascension

Ascension Thursday

5th Sunday after Easter

4th Sunday after Easter

3rd Sunday after Easter

Good Shepard Sunday

Low Sunday

Easter Sunday

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday Tenebrae

Tre Ore

Good Friday

Good Friday Tenabrae

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday Tenebrae

Palm Sunday

Passion Sunday

4th Sunday of Lent

3rd Sunday of Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent

1st Sunday of Lent

Quinquagesmia Sunday

Sexagesmia Sunday

Septuagesmia Sunday

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany

2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

Holy Family


Sunday within the Octave of Christmas

Christmas Day Mass

Christmas Midnight Mass

Vigil of the Nativity

3rd Sunday of Advent

2nd Sunday of Advent

Immaculate Conception

1st Sunday of Advent

Last Sunday after Pentecost

25th Sunday after Pentecost

24th Sunday after Pentecost

23rd Sunday after Pentecost

All Saints Day

Christ the King

21st Sunday after Pentecost

20th Sunday after Pentecost

19th Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Rosary/18th Sunday after Pentecost

17th Sunday after Pentecost

16th Sunday after Pentecost

15th Sunday after Pentecost

14th Sunday after Pentecost

13th Sunday after Pentecost

12th Sunday after Pentecost

Assumption of the BVM

11th Sunday after Pentecost


9th Sunday after Pentecost

8th Sunday after Pentecost

7th Sunday afer Pentecost

6th Sunday after Pentecost


4th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday within the octave of the Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

Sunday within the octave of Corpus Christi

Trinity Sunday


Sunday within the octave of the Ascension


5th Sunday after Easter

4th Sunday after Easter

3rd Sunday after Easter

2nd Sunday after Easter

Low Sunday

Easter Sunday

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday Tenebrae

Tre Ore

Good Friday

Good Friday Tenebrae


Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday Tenebrae

Palm Sunday

Passion Sunday

4th Sunday of Lent

3rd Sunday of Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent

1st Sunday of Lent

Sexagesmia Sunday

Septuagesmia Sunday

4th Sunday after Epiphany

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Holy Family

Feast of the Circumcision

Christmas Day Mass

Christmas Midnight Mass

4th Sunday of Advent

3rd Sunday of Advent

Immaculate Conception

2nd Sunday of Advent

1st Sunday of Advent

24th Sunday after Pentecost

23rd Sunday after Pentecost

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

All Staints Day

Christ the King

20th Sunday after Pentecost

19th Sunday after Pentecost

18th Sunday after Pentecost

17th Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Rosary

16th Sunday after Pentecost

15th Sunday after Pentecost

14th Sunday after Pentecost

13th Sunday after Pentecost

12th Sunday after Pentecost

11th Sunday after Pentecost

Assumption of the BVM

10th Sunday after Pentecost

9th Sunday after Pentecost

8th Sunday after Pentecost

7th Sunday after Pentecost

6th Sunday after Pentecost

5th Sunday after Pentecost

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart

Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi

Trinity Sunday

Pentecost Sunday

4th Sunday after Easter

3rd Sunday after Easter

St. Pius V

Sts. Philip and James

Low Sunday

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday - High Mass

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday Tenebrae

Tre Ore

Good Friday Mass

Good Friday Tenebrae

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday Tenebrae

Palm Sunday

Passion Sunday

4th Sunday of Lent

3rd Sunday of Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent

1st Sunday of Lent



Septuagesmia Sunday

5th Sunday after Epiphany

4th Sunday after Epiphany

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Holy Family

Holy Name of Jesus

Circumcision of Our Lord

St. Stephen

Christmas Day Mass

Christmas Midnight Mass

4th Sunday of Advent

3rd Sunday of Advent

Immaculate Conception

2nd Sunday of Advent

1st Sunday of Advent

Last Sunday after Pentecost

25th Sunday after Pentecost

24th Sunday after Pentecost

All Saints Day

Christ the King

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

21st Sunday after Pentecost

20th Sunday after Pentecost

20th Sunday after Pentecost

19th Sunday after Pentecost

St. Isaac Jogues & Companions

17th Sunday after Pentecost

16th Sunday after Pentecost

15th Sunday after Pentecost

14th Sunday after Pentecost

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Immaculate Conception

11th Sunday after Pentecost

10th Sunday after Pentecost

St. James

8th Sunday after Pentecost

7th Sunday after Pentecost

6th Sunday after Pentecost

5th Sunday after Pentecost

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday within the octave of the Sacred Heart

Sunday within the octave of Corpus Christi

Trinity Sunday


8th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension

Ascension Thursday

5th Sunday after Easter

4th Sunday after Easter

2nd Sunday after Easter

Low Sunday

Easter Vigil - Holy Saturday

Tre Ore

Good Friday

Holy Thursday

Palm Sunday - Low Mass

Palm Sunday - High Mass

Passion Sunday

4th Sunday of Lent - Letare Sunday

3rd Sunday of Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent

1st Sunday of Lent

Quinquagesmia Sunday

Septuagesmia Sunday

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany

2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

Holy Family

Most Holy Name of Jesus


St John the Apostle


4th Sunday of Advent

3rd Sunday of Advent

Immaculate Conception

2nd Sunday of Advent

St. Andrew

1st Sunday of Advent

25th Sunday after Pentecost

24th Sunday after Pentecost

Dedication of the Basilica of Our Savior

23rd Sunday after Pentecost

All Saints

Christ the King

St Luke - 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady Queen Of The Holy Rosary

Solemn Votive Mass of the Feast of the Holy Rosary - Bp Santay

17th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr Curatolo

16th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr Martin

15th Sunday afte Pentecost - Fr Curatolo

Solemn High Mass for the 30th anniversary of the ordination of Fr Baumberger

14th Sunday after Pentecost

St Joachim - Fr Skierka

Assumption - Fr Baumberger

10th Sunday after Pentecost  Fr Martin



9th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr Martin

St. Anne - 8th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr Baumberger

7th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr Martin


 6th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr Martin

5th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr Fantz

Previously recorded Masses at St. Pius V School

4th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr Baumberger

Sunday within the octave of Corpus Christi - Fr Martin - Low Mass

Sunday within the octave of Corpus Christi - Fr Martin - High Mass

Trinity Sunday - Fr Baumberger

Pentecost - Fr Krug - High Mass

Pentecost - Fr Selway

Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension - Fr Baumberger

Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension - Fr Krug

Ascension Thursday - Fr Krug

Ascension Thursday - Bp Carroll  High Mass

5th Sunday after Easter - Fr Vietkus

4th Sunday after Easter - Bishop Carroll

4th Sunday after Easter - Fr. Martin


Finding of the Holy Cross - Fr. Krug

Finding of the Holy Cross - Fr. Baumberger

2nd Sunday after Easter - Fr. Martin

2nd Sunday after Easter - Fr. Krug - High Mass

Low Sunday - Second Mass

Low Sunday - First Mass

Easter Sunday - Fr. Wilder

Easter Sunday - Fr. Martin

Easter Sunday - Fr. Curatolo

Easter Sunday - Fr. Baumberger

Holy Saturday

Tre Ore


Good Friday Mass

Holy Thursday

Spy Wednesday

Tuesday in Holy Week

Monday in Holy Week

Palm Sunday - First Mass

 Palm Sunday - 2nd Mass